Welcome to the WLA Blog!

Here it is. Every week we’ll be posting up the latest news, events and stories from student life at WLA.

If you have anything you’d like to share please email the team at info@wla-london.co.uk

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5 Responses to Welcome to the WLA Blog!

  1. Patricia says:

    Hey everybody!
    We are taking part in a 10 km run!
    Join us!

  2. pATRICIA says:

    Our next football trip is on Monday, 14th February at 8pm FULHAM v CHELSEA!
    Come on you Whites!!!

    • wla-london says:

      What a night! What a match! The result was 0-0 but it was a very exciting game! Thank you guys for supporting Fulham! Some pictures from the game will be available on our Facebook page!

  3. Patricia says:

    Please remember that overnight between Saturday 27 October and Sunday 28 October, The clock goes back ONE HOUR!

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